Hot 2.0 technology is a kind of high temperature resistant technology, which used in Jinko N-type panels and makes the panels lower the risk of LID/LeTID.

What is the LID/LeTID?
LID is the most commonly observed degradation phenomenon in all p-type silicon solar cells, because p-type cells are doping with boron.
LeTID is a form of solar cell degradation seen in the field and is accelerated by high irradiance at higher temperatures after hundreds of hours of light exposure.
Light and elevated Temperature Induced Degradation (LeTID) has been shown to cause severe degradation in Polycrystalline silicon cells, especially those using cell passivation technology, e.g., PERC.
The application of Hot 2.0 technology
The application of Hot 2.0 technology has contributed to a new breakthrough in N-type
cells, and the efficiencyofmass-produced cells can reach 24.50%.
Optimized Temperature Coefficient -0.30%/℃
The temperature coefficient of P-type is -0.35%/℃.
Under high temperature condition, Tiger Neo can generate 2% more power than P-type.
Tiger Neo’s power output will increase with the better temperature coefficient(0.75% higher compared with PERC)
Under the same external environment, Tiger Neo’s operating temperature is lower ( >1 % compared with the same specification P-type )

temp. coefficient